Risk management

Design screens
CompanyF13 CyberTech s.r.o.
SegmentRisk management
My roleExplorative research, wireframing, high-fidelity mockup
AchievementsBrand new design system based on the design tokens in JSON
ChallengesUnderstanding the risk management problematic took me some time

Customer problem

The customer executes different types of risk management activities in Excel. These activities are very time consuming and the Excel environment is not very user friendly. These were the main reasons why the customer decided to invest into the new web application which should replace the Excel workflow.

My design process

  1. The jobs and pains of the current users
  2. Interaction flows for the new web application
  3. Low-fi mockups
  4. New design system and high-fi mockups

πŸ’‘Users jobs and pains

I have created the research design and conducted interviews with the risk assessment editors working with the Excel. The editors guided me through their workflows and I was mainly interested in these areas:

  • Jobs
  • Pains
  • Gains - what is a real success for them

See bellow the main insights from my interviews (only in czech):

The main insights from the interviews
The main insights from the interviews

Users feedbacks

Creating the report from the Excel manually is a really time consuming task - I need to filter only specific table rows
Participant 1
In the current Excel set up is not possible to see the connections between the assets 
Participant 2

🌊 Interaction flows

I described the key interaction flows for the new web application using simple flow diagrams. I also discussed the flows with the stakeholders in order to identify misunderstandings as soon as possible.

User scenarios and their flows
User scenarios and their flows

πŸ“ Low-fi mockups

I delivered low fidelity mockups using Balsamiq. I use Balsamiq as my main wireframing tool for the most of my projects. The Balsamiq's UI is pretty straightforward and building the layout is a piece of cake.

I picked up the key scenarios, created the wireframes and again synced with the stakeholder.

Sketches - pen and paper


Wireframes - variant 1

Wireframes - variant 2

🎨 High-fi mockups

New design system

I have discussed with the stakeholder the colour theme and he agreed for a dark one. The customer's website has also darkish theme.

Figma Tokens plugin

Figma tokens is a plugin which helps you to create design tokens inside your Figma file. The design tokens are stored in JSON file which can be later on consumed by the developer - the values from JSON can be transformed easily into SASS variables or mixins.

Figma tokens plugin
Figma tokens plugin
Figma design tokens in JSON
Figma design tokens in JSON

Composite components

I have followed the best practices described by Figma and created the composite components which are much easier to modify later on.

Composite button component
Composite button component

Design system components

I have created the design system components for the MVP. 

Wizard stepper
Wizard stepper
Form inputs
Form inputs

Hi-fidelity mockups

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