01 - Getting the CPACC certificate

Preparing for the CPACC certificate

I have decided to get the CPACC certificate. I already have some experiences with a11y (accessibility) due to my previous HTML coding career. I focused on building accessible markups and I tested them using Voiceover. So accessibility is not a new stuff for me. Maybe this is also the reason why I decided to get a CPACC certificate I hope that my background coding skills will make it easier for me.

Exam date15.2.2023
Number of weeks7
Hours per day2
Total number of hours100

Learning resources

My two main learning resources for the exam:

I will read through the individual sections and I will also cover each section using the blog post. The blog posts should help me with preparation for the exam. Maybe the blog posts will inspire someone to get the certificate 😀

01 - Basic disability concepts

Diverse abilities

Roughly 1 in every 5 people (about 20%) has a disability of some kind. Disabilities are quite common.

These are the disabilities which are the most relevant disabilities to the digital technologies.

  • visual
  • auditory
  • mobility
  • cognitive disabilities

Assistive technologies

DisabilityAssistive Technologies
  • Screen readers
  • Refreshable braille devices
Low Vision
  • Screen enlargers
  • Screen readers
Color BlindnessColor enhancement overlays or glasses
  • Captions
  • Transcripts
Motor/Mobility Disabilities
  • Head wand
  • Mouth stick
  • Alternative keyboards
  • Eye gaze tracking
  • Voice activation
Cognitive Disabilities
  • Screen readers
  • Screen overlays
  • Augmentative communication aids

Digital accessibility revolution - examples

Blind people can get to the huge amount of content

Blind people doesn't need to ask someone to read the papers for them they can consume the conent on their own using the screen readers

Quadriplegics can buy without having to leave their home

A person with quadriplegia doesn't need to travel with bus and hope that there will be no barriers in the shoping mall. It's much more comfortable to do the shoping from the wheelchair.



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Accessibility certificate